I have just been on facebook,a day after Uhuru Kenyatta was name Kenya's 4th president elect.There is a lot of emotion going on there,some people are taking the loss/victory very personally and venting . I am glad that they are not the Kenyan media,we would have killed each other by now. I read somewhere that leaders are a reflection of the people they govern.Am therefore not surprised by Raila Odinga's decision to petition the results in the Supreme Court.We Kenyans are sore losers. Life hosts a myriad of losses-jobs,finances,relationships,looks,influence to name but a few. The Kenyan reasons for this include but aren't limited to sabotage,jealousy,withcraft,nepotism,tribalism, sex,bribery,corruption,historical injustices and the new kid on the block,generational curses. No Kenyan is ever unqualified for a job or promotion,nervous during a presentation,drifts apart in a relationship,has poor communication and people skills. Perhaps I should consult a sociologist...