The real reason
Funny how I usually have a post up in my head before sitting down to type and as soon as my fingers hover over the keyboard, the words evaporate. I like writing-seeing my thoughts on paper brings a smile to my face.It's also my stamp in the world:I was here and this is my contribution. It helps that in my corner of the world, I'm free, for the most part, to express my views. If I enjoy it and is free to do it, why don't I indulge more often? I can jump to the politically correct answer 'Don't have enough time' And my audience would nod in agreement, because most likely, they don't have enough time to do what they enjoy either. Being busy has become a badge of honour. The real reason though is fear. Fear of what others would say/think about my writing. What if I get judged, what if I'm not good enough, what if no-one ever sees my writing? Which begs the question,why do I want to write?For myself or others Which leads to, who's loss ...