
Wish there was a place I could go to. And air out my grievances,as an African Christian.
I struggle with  how the Church laid the foundation for colonialism.
The teachings have been used, over time, as a tool for the subjugation of women,
to justify racism, slavery ,homophobia ,abuse
Femininity has been shamed, condemned and the yardstick for morality
is female sexuality.
Who else is milking my faith and what are they using it for?
How much of what I believe is manipulated  and how much is real?And what does real
here mean
I've heard over the years that I must choose between being African and being Christian. Must I?
Where can I get some, if not all of these answers?
Without being judged , shamed or guilted?


  1. You can get the answers in the Word. Once you know who you are in Christ then you have all the answers. The Bible has all the answers you seek


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