1 week affair

I unknowingly went out with a married man for a week.Of course he said he wasn't married,claimed he had been separated from his wife for years.
I had my suspicions which were confirmed  and the tell tale signs included
i)he used to insist on going home for lunch
ii)rarely picked up my calls-would prefer to call me back
iii)always suggesting to be invited to my place but never invited me to his
iv)at night,he would call me from the kitchen(would hear pots banging in the background-for authenticity I think)or outside the house.This is what made me call a friend of mine who happens to be his neighbour to confirm.All my previous boyfriends had no problem chatting when they were in bed
v)Pushed for sex almost immediately,claimed willingness to wait when he noticed my reservation.
vi)had handy excuses for not picking up my calls,not replying texts,bouncing dates

Of course any one or two of the above is no proof of marriage.
And a word to the married men,some women will  go out with you regardless of your marital status.
Those of us who do not have a reason for it.Disclose your status and as the saying goes,the chips will fall where they may.


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