6 years ago

On this day, 6 years ago,I was sitting at my desk at work when Wangari, my small sister called me.
We had left the house earlier together;I was headed to work,she went to the hospital to take care of Dad.
I'd called her an hour earlier,to confirm he was alive.He was.
When I saw her number on my caller ID,I knew.
She was crying,yet her voice was strong,as she told me what I knew,yet dreaded to hear.
I called my favourite cousin,Sarah and she started to cry.I quickly hang up.
Next on my list was my colleague,Carol.
Within 15 minutes,I was out of the door and headed to South B.
I'd texted my close friends.
I refused to answer any calls,it was the only way to hold in the tears.
He was still lying in his hospital room when I arrived.
He was warm.
Mum,Wambui and Ng'ang'a,my other siblings were there.
His brother,Uncle Jeff ,
My cousins Anthony,Hinga,
Eda and Pastor Ann were also present.
My tears were prompted by Wambui and Anthony's tears.
The  taxi had a puncture on the way back home.
Mum said' Niathie.Twatiguo twi ika-He's gone.We are now alone'
During the funeral arrangements,the support we received as a family was amazing.
My friends  overwhelmed me.
There was so much to do.A big chunk  of it by me.
He looked like he was sleeping when I viewed his body at the morgue.
My old friends Waway,Jerry and Fifi held me as I wailed when the coffin was being lowered to the
That is when it hit me,
My Dad was dead.
I would never see him again.
I do see him now;in my dreams:a welcome but poor substitute.


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