Wake up call

One of my favourite bloggers, Bikozulu, woke me from my slumber.
I had one of those moments, where you read something and feel the author glimpsed into
your life and is now writing to you about it.
Iron Curtain was my wake up wall.
And not just about my writing.
There's few(okay, more than a few)of my talents/interests that I don't pursue.
I've learnt that if I don't want to do something, I'll find compelling reasons not to.

My favourite paragraph in the post  also happens to be the hardest  'To be clear, getting here has not even been about talent. It’s been about dedication and consistency and passion. In that order. (God, naturally is the first in that order, and he knows it. Donge, Nyasaye?) It’s been about showing up and putting in hours, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and not falling off the wagon no matter how uncomfortable it felt''

I'm here today,hope to walk these streets again soon.


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