Bucketlist of fear

In my network marketing days, the acronym for fear was Fear Evidence Appearing Real.
I've read numerous books, articles, watched tens of clips and videos on how to overcome fear and
for a minute, I deluded myself  had slayed that dragon.

Subconscious wasn't going to let me get away with that.She must have been building her case diligently  behind the scenes and a on a lazy Sunday, while enjoying  doing nothing on my couch , with all my defences down, she shoved  Truth in front of me.
As usual, a fight broke out.Truth,Reasoning and Emotions argued for days, hurting Sleep and resurrecting  Sweet Tooth.
Emotions is as stubborn.Her concession for defeat was acknowledgement that she had  overcome some fears.
Gloatingly rubbing her hands at the hard won victory , Reason  gave a power point presentation that Truth helped her put together;
-Fear of drowning
-Fear of causing a car accident
-Fear of not finding love
-Fear of(the prospect) settling
-Fear of rocking the boat
-Fear of being judged
-Fear of ending up broke when old
-Fear of being too much
-Fear of being not enough

Emotions ran away in tears before the next slide.Reason's face lit up with glee.
Truth despaired.She hurts.


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