
My birthday is in 2 days.
I'm in awe of how far I've come and is  counting my blessings .
I'm grateful for life , this existence that I was thrust into and
have had a lot of help navigating.

My family are my everyday heros and heroines, I owe them a debt
I can never repay. The icing on that cake is motherhood, the scariest thing I've
done so far, still learning, still stumbling , still making it up as I go along.

My friends, from Fifi, my oldest friend to Charlotte, who I met 4 weeks ago.
They have shaped my world in many ways, seen and unseen.
Know I'll never cross paths again with most of them. I'm grateful for the times we had.

My colleagues, the men and women I was forced to interact with in pursuit of money.
We shared many laughs and tears , built, tore  each other ,lent helping and destroying hands.
The source of many life's lessons.

The others. Who don't and didn't fit neatly into my boxes. Who shared their time, resources,
energy , knowledge, passions , idiosyncrasies and left as quickly as they arrived.
Too short to be missed, long enough to be noticed.

To the powers of the day; religion, government, 4th estate, corporations, patriarchy etc
I have a hate/dislike relationship with most of you. I hate your arrogance and the lies you
perpetuate to maintain your positions.
Just say you're in it for the power. And you're interested in amassing more of it, and we, the people,
are collateral damage

As I was saying, I'm grateful.
For my time here on this glorious planet , a child of this great continent and resident of the undisputed Pearl of Africa


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