Anger was lying next to me when I woke up today
For most of last month, work wasn't going well for me.
My contract expired in April. At first, was reassured it'd be
renewed, then was informed my position was being scrapped
and split into 4 roles(yey, I'm that good) and I'd have one of the roles;
a promotion on paper and deduction on the bank balance.
After a lot of exhausting back and forth, I signed a 3-month contract
with less pay and is actively job hunting
My angst with the whole thing was the process and I'm convinced
some of the bias is because I'm a black woman.

This year has been a reminder of how, as a black African woman, I'm at
the bottom of the human food chain.
Yes, it's the way the system has been set up and where awareness of it helps,
the continuous frustration births a day like today, when the tears aren't
enough of a balm.
From the glaring difference in the services I get in Jinja
when alone vs with my white friends
to the tens of women kidnapped and murdered in Uganda in recent months.
My soul is tired.


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