
It's been a long week for me, blooming with heartache and frustration. Then I came across the hashtag #tweetwithmalelogic; a lens on male privilege. It's heartbreaking and liberating. I'm not the only one who's experienced the absurdity and finally someone has said it. For the women, some of the posts will strike home, for the men, allow this to teach you. A few of my favourites 'Hi. What is up?I'm from sub-saharan Africa and everyone, myself included, I've ever grown up with is dark-skinned. However, me and my successful friends won't consider going out with A WOMAN who isn't light-skinned. OHMYGOSH!!! WOMEN....BLEACH?!?!' # tweetwithmalelogic ***************** Her: ...it was the most terrifying experience of my life, I was completely scared when he locked the door & threatened not to op...