

It's been a long week for me, blooming with heartache and frustration. 
Then I came across the hashtag #tweetwithmalelogic; a lens on male privilege.
It's heartbreaking and liberating. I'm not the only one who's experienced the absurdity  and finally 

someone has said it.
For the women, some of the posts will strike home, for the men, allow this to teach you.
A few of my favourites

'Hi. What is up?I'm from sub-saharan Africa and everyone, myself included, I've ever grown up with is dark-skinned. However, me and my successful friends won't consider going out with A WOMAN who isn't light-skinned. OHMYGOSH!!! WOMEN....BLEACH?!?!'

Her: ...it was the most terrifying experience of my life, I was completely scared when he locked the door & threatened not to open it until I gave him "something. Him: let's play Devil's advocate here, what if he wasn't being serious?
Men: We love women who have their own money Woman: *owns nice car and house* Men: You are scaring men off

Women can't cheat, because they cheat with EMOTION, but we men cheat only for sex, and yes the sex may be with the same exact girl I have been cheating on my wife with for a year now, but it's still just about sex, where do I take her for our anniversary?

A KEY that open many locks has value, but a lock opened by more than 1 key is useless. So by equating inanimate man made objects to human bodies, despite the absence of correlation, I am proving my point.

-If you were 'raped,' you must call police immediately or it didn't happen. If you wait, you're a: liar, golddigger, bitter, crazy, trying to come up, ruining man's life, had bad date, etc. Don't even get me started on bitches that wait years... 🤔🤨🙄


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