On Tuesday,  July 10th 2018, my father would have turned 60.
Which means this October, I’ll have lived 10years without him.
The tears streaming down presently are a reminder that the pain of death
never goes away.
On a good day, it’s obscured by the clouds of life. Today, the wound is
I tell the new and aspiring mothers that after a child, their life will never be the same again.
I forget to mention the same goes after the loss of a parent.
Been in battles I didn’t even know existed, others I wouldn’t have thought
would land on my doorstep, because my father is no more.
Our patriarchal African society is cruel,  especially to those whose
male shield is six feet under.
I wrote a gratitude post and the hardest line was ‘I’m grateful for

 what I’ve become in his death”


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