Life lessons

Hard for me to believe that this wedding has come and gone.
I walked for hours in downtown Kampala looking for the perfect shoe,
didn't find it and this one was an easy choice to make.
Liked that it wasn't too weddingy, can wear it after without
being obvious it was bought for a special occasion.
I only wore it for the wedding service and took it off
immediately after this photo.
The heel for the left shoe came off at the photo shoot.
If you look closely can see the shoe is flat on the ground.
 Only the bridal party was around and Shiru, fellow bridesmaid, and
I share a shoe size, she had a spare pair and the would be shoe crisis was
resolved before it took off.
Again, divine timing.
I love that this photo reminds me what you see is definitely not what you get.
As my favourite blogger put it, many a time, it's all smokes and mirrors 


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