9 weeks

We resumed work last week after being in Lockdown for 9 weeks.
It’s been a tough season and glad some light is flickering ahead;
hopefully the end of this tunnel.
Our core business is solar installations which means
 the restrictions on movement put the company on hold.
April was notable tough, we generated zero revenue.

Here’s a few lessons I’ve learnt:

i) The importance of a cheering squad -I’ve had a number of friends,
partners, mentors, family holding my hand and encouraging me .
They’ve shared resources, opportunities, information, laughter
and most importantly hope. They lightened my load immeasurably
and I’m grateful for them.

ii) Hard decisions are mostly hard in my head. Making tough choices
 was easier than I’d anticipated. We managed to reduce our monthly
expenses by 54%. The conversations and negotiations that’d have had
me breaking in hives in early March were surprisingly easier when I had no choice.

iii) Tough seasons are learning seasons. I know much more about myself,
my leadership style and coping strategies as well as my teams’. This also has
me thinking about reward schemes for some team members because they
showed up- repeatedly, consistently, regularly. And I now have a new inner circle.

iv) Offices aren’t overated. There’s definitely magic when team members are
within walking and talking distance. We might revisit how often that’ll be but
 won’t be doing away with it, at least not soon.

v) Phone and internet connections are now some of my basic needs.

vi) Those cultures that have siesta after lunch are onto something. 
Afternoon naps are necessary.

vii) Kilicho na mwanzo kina mwisho (What has a beginning, has an end)
 None of us know what a Post Covid-19 work environment and world will look like.
 All I know is that there’s one and is confident we will handle whatever it brings with it.
This too shall pass.

viii) I have lots of privilege and most of the choices I've been able to make in
this period hinge on it.

ix) The most important thing in life is being alive. Everything else is secondary.
That breath that flows in and out of you is what matters. Cherish it. Your life depends on it.


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