The weekend


It's Sunday 1446hrs.
This weekend I've finished reading Love works, started re-reading The Prophet,
done yoga, gone for a 1hr walk, whittled the tabs on my phone from 50 to 14,
read and listened to poetry, drank wine, caught up with family, slept and napped to
my heart's content and had an enjoyable didn't-want-to-end whisky date.

All things that brought me joy and fed my soul.
Guess what I'm feeling now?
Crazy, right?
I'm feeling guilty that I haven't done any work related stuff.
When I prioritise and feed into me, the residue feeling is guilt
When I focus on work, to the detriment of my health and happiness,
the feeling is accomplishment.

Obviously, I have a lot to learn ,unlearn and relearn.
In case this happens to you as well, you're not alone.
We shall overcome.
Remember, we're all a work in progress.


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