My Land Is Kenya

There was a petition in my inbox today from Avaaz-to save Nairobi National Park.Apparently the Kenyan government wants to build a road through the park.
What intrigued me was the lack of this piece of news in the local media.

It reminded me of the fibre optic  cables under Indian Ocean that were damaged by a ship earlier this year causing slow,or rather slower internet connections and we found out about this from the US websites.

This lack of information is deliberate,I believe. Sometimes motivated by power and at times self preservation.
In  a country where anything can take  a political and ethnic angle e.g Hon Fred Ngumo during the Deputy CJ Barasa saga,one has to be sift carefully what information leaks to the public.

Of course some would argue that most of the Kenyan population would not be concerned about some matters.This may be true but most of us would rather know whether or not it concerns us and whether or not we are able to do anything about it.

Kenya's political class have withholding information down to an art.There are countless reports from inquiries,commissions,committtes that have never been released.

It is interesting to note how those who are no longer in favour with their political bedmates are threatening to write tell it all books.Miguna Miguna,we await.

And there are also Pattnis.
History has shown that former aides,mistresses,bodyguards,business partners sometimes decide they have nothing to loose and pen down memoirs.I am looking forward to that.

We also have a ripe history of rumours,half truths,gossip,slander.Jicho Pevu is proving,the truth will always come out.The Atur brothers are now a symbol of hope-we will one day be able to separate the facts from the stories.


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