#We are one

I love that slogan.
Truly we are one.
And as my friend Betty joked on facebook,Kenyans:divided by Kenyans,united by terrorists.

My heart is bleeding for our children.In their era,they don't have to battle disease,poverty,paedophiles,
lies and half truths peddled by the internet,false teachings,two faced role models,they have added terrorists
to the list.

On Saturday,Kenyans were up in arms on the coverage of the hostage situation.And of course Sunday Nation's unprofessional,unethical,unclever front page.
All in  race to be the one who broke the story.
Sometimes our media houses remind me of matatu drivers-who drive carelessly and dangerously as if they were not in the vehicle should anything happen to it.
You'd think the media houses reports wouldn't affect them and their loved ones.As if they  don't live here.
I hope the outrage and disgust by Kenyans will serve as a wake-up and they will review their practices.

There's a popular expression that if you point at someone,4 fingers are pointing back at you.
We were busy criticising the media,while uploading links and statuses from sources we couldn't quite verify.
There were countless appeals to stop posting information  that could jeopardise  the hostages and operation
but we paid little or no heed.
So is the media a reflection of us,perhaps?

Of course I believe in the right to information but I do know we can not all access the same information,all the time at the same time.
After much thought in fact I realised the only information I needed(as one who hasn't been affected directly by the incident)was that there was an attack and the donation(blood,money,foodstuffs)info.
I have purposely refused to participate in the ongoing debates of whatever isn't adding up,open all those links with the videos,photos and insights.
Because knowing adds no value to my  life.
And we'll never know the full story.
Am also awaiting  for the dust to settle and see what I can do.At the moment,there are too many voices and having ever gone mtumba shopping,I know the loudest guy doesn't necessarily have the best wares or prices.


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