It's that time again

When I feel like I should apologize for being born into my tribe.
If the articles floating around and the posts on social media are to be believed,
Kenya would be the best country on earth if Kikuyus didn't exist.
I grew up in a predominantly Kikuyu neighbourhood.
Momanyi  and Awino joined us in class seven,I think, and that was my first close interaction
with  a non-Kikuyu.
 Awino gave me my first taste of brown ugali and fish.
While many of the girls were struggling with pimples,her skin was flawless.And always glowing.
High school changed all that,of which I'm eternally grateful.
Most of the stereotypes about other tribes were shattered,while some were confirmed.
4 years later,I came out de-tribalised,except whenever my friends would visit or call,my
mother would ask what tribe she comes from.
And I lived in that bubble for some time.Thinking that tribe doesn't matter,that Kenyans
can and should see the only people who benefit from the tribal card are the politicians.
And we can rise above their manipulation and propaganda.
I was in school during the 1992 and 1997 tribal clashes so I was spared the ugliness of that.
I lived to see it 2007/2008.
My best friend and her family were trapped in the fracas in Kapsabet. Luckily they managed to arrive
to their home in Kakamega safely,after being sheltered by a family on one of the tea farms.
And I hated being Kikuyu at that point.
I bought into the sentiments of the day-that we are selfish,mean,inconsiderate,thieves and the bane of all of Kenya's problems.
Eventually,on the surface at least, the storm died.
Till the 2013 elections.And the accusations resurrected twentyfold.
And  been flying around ever since.
Then I read Oloo's article on Mpeketoni and my heart starts bleeding again.
Are Kikuyus the thorn in Kenya's flesh?And what,if anything can they do to redeeem  themselves?
And why am I now,feeling more Kikuyu than ever before?Have I succumbed to the politician's agenda of seeing myself as tribe first then Kenyan second?
My beautiful land Kenya,where will our help come from?because surely if we don't do something,this dragon called tribalism will kill us


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