
Disclaimer-I thought I'd posted this kumbe I saved it.The sentiments are still valid.

It's 0429hrs hrs Kenyan time and have just got home from watching Croatia thrash Cameroon 4-0.
In case you didn't know,I'm a football fan,and not those depicted in the FIFA ad,the clueless and admirers.
My last football crush was Rigobert Song.And probably the reason why I still passionately root for the Indomitable Lions.
Probably,too passionately.
In fact,my sister,after seeing how excited and disappointed I get,suggested I pick a team after the quarter finals.Save myself the hyperventilation and near panic and heart attacks..................
Back to tonight's game,I honestly thought Cameroon had a chance,that they's be a worthy opponent against Croatia.
Alas,it was not to be.
Maybe I should have asked my friend Sach,a brilliant M&E and Research guy  what the odds were. It might have saved me alot of heartache.
I was discretely crying after the  third goal and swearing never to loose my sleep for  a football game.
And hating being African in the same measure.
Actually,if you ask me,being African was depicted in that match.
The drama-Cameroon late arrival(don't get me started on that),wage wars,self sabotage(what was Song thinking)and inter-fighting(Assou Ekotto vs Moukandjo)
I know that I know that we have the talent and the potential.But that is never bridged with whatever it is on the other side so that we get to deliver.
I was ashamed,at the time to be called Africa.The cons,at the time heavily outweighed the pros.
Until we walked out and just as my friend Dan drove off,the security approached him and made small talk.
Which ended up with me giving him a small token for his 'tea'
Chastice me all you want but he made it pretty convicting at the same time.
That security guard gave me the lifeline I needed .
That we,Africans aren't afraid to ask for help.We don't need to pretend that we're fine.Of course this could also be our own undoing but at this moment,I celebrate that I can say I'm weak and struggling and I need help.Whether it's for an hour,a day,a week,month or years.
And Africa,needs help.
Kenya,needs help.
Kikuyus,need help.
I need help

*this post is dedicated to those who have answered when I lit the smoke signal .You know yourselves(mnajijua).
To re-borrow Akiru's statement,my life is a history of your affections.
Asanteni sana


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