Hope for Kenya

And now these three remain:faith, hope and love.But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
I can't remember when I memorised this Bible verse.Many moons later, it still strikes a chord.
In my life, the most fragile of the 3 is hope.
Battling between positive thinking-ness, optimisim and realism, hope is usually my first casualty.
Today, I'm willing to fight for my hope.
That my beloved Kenya will be peaceful after today's elections .There are and will likely  be many reasons to justify violence.
I choose to believe that we will muffle the voices of those whose interests enable them to see human lives as collateral damage.
I choose to see that we're birthing a new frontier , that my beloved motherland is on an upward and onward trajectory.
I choose hope.


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