Body love

Yesterday I listened to the Loving and Listening to your body guided meditation on
Insight Timer and it broke me.
It was the first time in my life I was paying homage to her , affirming my love
 and communicating intent to heed the messages she sends me.
The number of times I have looked back, usually when it's too late , and realised that
I ignored and /or shut down the cues she was giving me about a situation are countless.
And I always pledge to listen the next time and promptly break  the promise.
I have not been kind to her,  have treated her poorly; as an afterthought.
Somewhere along the way, I decided to not let her define me , which my mind
and spirit translated to not caring.
In fact, I only befriend her when something is broken and once fixed, go back to
 my old snobby ways.
Well, there comes a time,
I'm glad my time is now here.
She has housed me for the last 36+ years, it's about time I showered her with
 all the love, compassion  and attention that I can muster.
It's about time.


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