Wanted: Love



April -June 2020, Kampala had a 9 week Covid -19 Lockdown.
I walked, baked and basked in my thoughts.
Hadn't realised how much of a distraction work is.
When I didn't have much of it, was gifted with time
to take a look at the woman in the mirror.
I love her: is ecstatic of who she is and how she has shaped and
being shaped by her  journey.
She is happy with her choices, proud of the inner and outer life she has
She now realises wanting romantic love is neither a weakness nor
a far fetched dream.
She's human and desires to experience life in all it's fullness.
Her choices of love and lovers in the past are a testament of her
faith and courage. The lessons: good, bad and ugly are an integral
part of the rich tapestry of her life.
And without knowing how and when the next love will be, she has
promised to show up; scars be damned.


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