Jana's Attack

According to the Daily Nation,33 people were admitted at Kenyatta National Hospital after the blast at Assanands House,along Moi Ave yesterday.
My mother called me to confirm I was still alive,my office is along Moi Avenue and I watched the live reporting on NTV.

My thinkings;

The NTV anchor kept apologizing to the viewers for showing graphic images without prior warning and her main excuse was it was a live feed and therefore couldn't censor any images. Which we all know is a load of hogwash.Sensational journalism.

If I were a terrorist in Kenya,I would detonate the explosives in two phases.Blow my target-Phase 1. Blow the crowd-Phase 2
And Phase 2 would guarantee more casualties.
Running towards a crime scene must be one of  Kenyans' peculiar habits  Michael Joseph was talking about.

Sighting of  electrical wires on the ground is enough reason to blame the electricity company for an explosion.Mathew Itere,please explain,with diagrams.

'Any publicity is good publicity'A quote from The Kenya's  politicians manual.

Terrorists are behind all attacks involving explosives.Compensation,revenge,business rivalry,personal vendetta,good old land grabbing are not probable causes.

Am I the only who noticed how small Assanands House is,dwarfed by the  MKU Tower, wondered how much that piece of land is worth,whether the lease has expired and what new building will grace that slot at this time next year?


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