Tuesday Monday blues

I wasn't in the office yesterday so today feels like a Monday.Once upon a time I din't mind Monday.In fact my dislike for it is purely through peer pressure-everybody badmouthing this one day ,the Bangles even  singing about it

My colleague Nkatha once told us Monday is her favourite day of the week,of course this was followed by a lecture on attitude.Don't remember the case she made for it  but at the time it was convincing.

Then one of those newsletters making their way into my inbox had this;

What's your favorite day of the week?

For most people, it's Saturday.

Sundays stink because we dread going back to
work on Monday. Wednesday is "hump" day -
halfway to the weekend. We say TGIF (Thank God
it's Friday!) because it's the last day of work.

Saturday is the only day we universally like!

But fully enjoying only ONE day a week? That's

I din't attend the webinar and am now thinking maybe I shoud have.Having Monday blues alone is no fun.


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