Rain time

It was drizzling when I was having my lunch and one of the waitress wished it wouldn't rain then.Her fairy godmother must have been listening because her wish was granted.
It's 1714hrs  now and the heavens have opened.
Which makes me wonder,when is the right time for rain?
Am sure today some people will get home after 2-5 hours trafficsitting and/or pay five to tenfold of their usual fare.
Depending on where you live in Nairobi,raining at night means a night vigil since the cold,zero visibility and rain music are break in fertile ground.
We have all experienced rainy mornings-sitting in traffic for hours,0.5-two fold increase in fares,splashing by speeding drivers,detours because of mini-pools on the route,being late for work etc etc
And the mid-morning,early afternoon fall-slow internet ,splashy drivers and taking  3 hours to get to a place that usually takes 20 minutes,black-out,no lunch deliveries etc
How did those rain manufacturers in China come up with 3.00pm?????????????


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